Lesson 2: Xnode data sets for promote / demote

As a variation of the Xnode data sets for install / backout, ChangeMan ZMF also uses a similar (but not exactly the same ...) set of data sets for executing a (local or remote) promote or demote.
Some facts about these (extremely important) data sets (incomplete list ...):
- ChangeMan ZMF creates these data sets right after the promote/demote request is accepted (1 such PDS for each promote or demote request, full or selective doesn't matter).
- ChangeMan ZMF creates these jobs via file tailoring of skeletons like:
- CMN$$RPM (there are many more skeletons involved in all this), for remote promote.
- CMN$$PRM (with various imbedded skeletons), for local promote.
- They are destroyed at the end of the execution of the promote/demote request. So if you want to see their content, you should:
- at least that they got created
- what the DSNs of these data sets is
- figure out a way to stop ChangeMan ZMF from deleting them at the and of the request (if not you can only look at them while the request is being executed).