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Z-Factory Categories

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Dr. Chgman's Z-Factory categoriesAll items (topics) available within the Z-Factory area, are classified by category, i.e.:

Dr Chgman's Cmn2Go for ChangeMan ZMF Cmn2Go CMN/ZMF life cycle extensions providing additional CMN/ZMF functionality.
Dr Chgman's Z-Reports for reporting in ChangeMan ZMF Z-Reports Create powerful CMN/ZMF reports or charts without any programming.
Dr Chgman's Z-Apps for ChangeMan ZMF Z-Apps Perform powerful CMN/ZMF operations from a single ISPF panel.
Dr Chgman's console solutions for ChangeMan ZMF Console Features related to CMN/ZMF helpdesk operations and production follow-up.
Dr Chgman's CmnAdmin solutions for ChangeMan ZMF administration CmnAdmin Tools to simplify CMN/ZMF's global and application administration.
Dr Chgman's SCMBeans for ChangeMan ZMF SCMBeans Reusable software components to facilitate developing additional CMN/ZMF customizations.
Dr Chgman's Tuneups for ChangeMan ZMF TuneUps Facilities to reduce CMN/ZMF's resource consumption and enhance its overall performance.
Dr Chgman's Plugins for ChangeMan ZMF Plugins Powerful software packages to implement major CMN/ZMF extensions.

Follow any of the links above for additional details about these categories. The table below should help you narrow down the available categories, based on your job function also:

Job function

Cmn2Go Z-Reports Z-Apps Console CmnAdmin SCMBeans TuneUps Plugins
ZMF Administrators V V V V V V V V
Helpdesk operators V V V V V - V V
Operations control V V V V - - V V
Release managers V V V V - - - V
IT Auditors V V V - - - - V
ZMF Users V V V - - - - V

More details about each of the above job functions are included on the target audience pages.