Access ChangeMan ZMF expertise using the cloud

Welcome to Dr.Chgman.com, offering expertise about ChangeMan ZMF via these main website areas:
Z-Factory: add-on software products for ChangeMan ZMF.
Z-Wiki: in depth documentation about ChangeMan ZMF.
Z-Consults: on demand consulting services for ChangeMan ZMF.
Z-University: ChangeMan ZMF training in eLearning format.
Everything originates from real world requirements, experiences and needs in various ChangeMan ZMF implementations, and was typically produced by experienced ChangeMan ZMF administrators and consultants. Most (if not all) of the topics included here cannot be found in standard ChangeMan ZMF manuals and/or in the delivered ChangeMan ZMF software.
The Getting Started block in the left column (with links like Z-Mode) contains an introduction to Dr.Chgman.com. Note however that part of the website is accessible only after (free) registration. More details about the available options can be found within the Z-Membership pages of this website. If you're new to Dr.Chgman.com and want to discover all the goodies this website has to offer, you should consider the guided tour.
The Z-Rewards section details the Dr.Chgman.com loyalty program we've put in place, similar to (e.g.) a frequent flyer program. The Z-Bounties program is designed to encourage development of Dr.Chgman.com content by Dr.Chgman's certified core developer(s).
For more information about this website, select any item from the list below.