
This section explains various topics related to membership of Dr.Chgman.com, such as:
- why you should consider registering.
- the steps to participate in Dr.Chgman.com (register, subscribe, etc.).
- what you will get in return from Dr.Chgman.com (get free tips, downloads, etc.).
- how you can help (contribute) to further expand the content of Dr.Chgman.com.
Dr.Chgman.com members receive access to:
- field-tested how-to's from ChangeMan ZMF professionals.
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- downloads featuring powerful tools to simplify ChangeMan ZMF operations.
- technical Q&A and discussions from highly engaged ChangeMan ZMF leaders.
- various newsletters covering a wide-array of ChangeMan ZMF topics.
- and much (not just Abit ...) more!
To give you an impression about what Dr.Chgman.com is all about, we have some free introduction offers.