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How to create a Z-Bounty

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Z-Bounties are used to enhance existing solutions, and/or create new solutions. Creating a Z-Bounty is a 2 steps process, as further detailed below.

Step 1: Select a topic

There are quite some items waiting completion, or waiting for some enhancements, especially in the Z-Files and the Z-Wiki. Start looking around for them, using approaches like:

If there is anything that you really want, and you really cannot (or do not want to) wait for it, consider submitting an appropriate Z-Bounty, as further detailed below.

Another possibility is that you have requirements or requests that are even not mentioned anywhere (yet ...) within It is well possible that your requirement / request has been addressed already somehow via a specific customization or approach. In that case some day the resolution might appear as some type of Z-Wiki publication or as a Z-Issue (with its related Z-Clues and Z-Files). To ensure your requirement / request gets addressed some day, or you really cannot (or do not want to) wait for it, consider submitting an appropriate Z-Bounty, as further detailed below.

Step 2: Submit a Z-Bounty

Submitting a Z-Bounty is actually a simple webform to be completed, which allows for entering details such as:

  • Is it an enhancement to an existing item or is it a new requirement?
  • Details about:
    • Who you are (including contact information).
    • What you want to place a Z-Bounty for (brief description, optionally including an URL).
    • How much you're willing to offer (pay) for it (don't worry, payment plans are part of the Z-Bounty negociation).
    • How long your offer for a Z-bounty will remain valid (expiration date).
Use the form Submit a Z-Bounty to get the Z-Bounty delivered to Dr.Chgman. The Dr.Chgman team will contact you shortly after submitting the Z-Bounty, to further discuss / negociate the details of it.