
At Dr.Chgman.com we have a range of services available to you and your business, ensuring anything in the Z-Factory or Z-Wiki works for you each time, every time. We offer services for professionals as well as services for enterprises.
We want to ensure that users get the most out of Dr.Chgman.com (and ChangeMan ZMF ...). We provide the same high-quality support services to all of our customers, whether they are individual users or corporate customers. We want you to be thrilled with both our service and your use of anything in the Z-Factory or Z-Wiki every single time.
After you've explored the content of the Z-Factory and/or Z-Wiki a bit, we hope you'll agree that this content might be considered as an illustration of our expertise about ChangeMan ZMF. This content was created based on the assumption that all ChangeMan ZMF customers should be able to implement it all in their own environment instead of hiring (sometimes expensive) consultants to come onsite (or work remotely) to simply cut-and-paste the very same customizations that were implemented before at another customer. However, via the Z-Support services we still give you an option to access appropriate consulting services (e.g. to implement these or new solutions in your environment).
Our Z-Support are targeted to either professionals or enterprises, as further detailed below: