Premium Service Engineer

A Premium Service Engineer provides you with a dedicated Dr.Chgman.com (and ChangeMan ZMF ...) expert whose priority is your business needs. Someone who knows your ChangeMan ZMF environments and is on hand to work with your team to avoid any disruptions to your ChangeMan ZMF subsystems. This person is a named contact who builds up knowledge of your environment by working closely with your team.
Dr.Chgman.com's Premium Service Engineers are technical ChangeMan ZMF engineers who provide a more personalized technical service, helping you with your existing ChangeMan ZMF systems as well as your deployments and migrations. They deal with non-standard environments, complex issues, heavy workloads, complex architectures, etc. This gives them the experience to address issues in the most direct manner so they can resolve root causes.
Please contact us to subscribe for Premium Service Engineer services, or if you'd like to discuss your requirements in more detail.