Z-Reports On Demand

Z-Reports On Demand is about creating a customized version of any of the Z-Reports, so that such report (and/or graph) perfectly fits the ChangeMan ZMF reporting requirement. Developing (on demand) a brand new report (or graph) that fits into the Z-Reports category (and where it will be added to also) is a variation of it.
Another way to explain it is that with Z-Reports On Demand, the development (optionally including maintenance also) of software to create customized ChangeMan ZMF reports is outsourced to Dr.Chgman.com.
The pricing of Z-Reports On Demand is based on the amount of time (hours) it takes for Dr.Chgman to deliver the new or custom version of the report (and/or graph), which most commonly turns out to be a matter of hours, say a day at most. This includes:
- gathering the actual report (and/or graph) specifications.
- developing it (using AbitMORE SCM Reporting, a matter of minutes, say an hour at most).
- packaging it (so that the report can be executed using the ASR Runtime software).
- delivering it.
To illustrate how Z-Reports On Demand applies to real world situations, consider the report that was created to Measure CMN/ZMF customizations upgrade progress, which is actually a variation of the CMPSDFZ report (which creates a CSV-file containing info about all components in all DFZ pkgs), which in turn is one of the reports that fit in the category Developer Reporting.
Executing this report without any changes to the report specifications (as delivered), only required the (free of charge) ASR Runtime software, and already resulted in a report output that was pretty close to perfect. These were the minor (customer specific?) tweaks applied to the report specifications to make it 100% fit the requirements:
- Add a selection criterium to "Appl-PkgId" to only report about a list of a specific package IDs (which contained all the customized components and/or scratch requests related to the upgrade).
- Remove a selection criterium related to "Pkg Status".
- Limit the package components to be reported about by excluding some library types (such as like LOD components and compressed listings).
- Change the sort order (first by component status, then by library type).
- Adapt the format of the report output to only provide a summary report that is grouped by component status (and not actual details about which components).
Note: a licensed AbitMORE SCM Reporting customer can perfectly create the very same report, also as a variation of the CMPSDFZ report (instead of using Z-Reports On Demand). And applying the same tweaks (as described above) would probably take a few minutes at most.