Checkout the results of a scan

ChangeMan ZMF offers a very powerfull scan facility, which allows you to search for a set of members in a baseline library that contain a certain string. However, if you want to perform an action on these members (especially if you want to check them out), you have to write down the member names included in the scan results (which is just a report ... of sometimes hundreds of component names).
It should be possible to automate the process of checking out (to a staging or private library) the members included in a scan result. So that you can use this in situations like these:
- Checkout all sources imbedding a changed copybook.
- Mass update hundreds, if not thousands, of JCL components that contain a certain string (you'd really want to somehow automate this process).
Consider the approach to address this issue as documented in the Z-Clues (login required).