Verify VSAM datasets as 1st step of STC proc

According to the ChangeMan ZMF manuals you should always shutdown the started task with the modify command to “orderly shutdown”, which then also ensures the correct closing of the VSAM files.
However, there are a few occasions where this simply does not happen, like:
- an unexperienced operator is not aware of the orderly shutdown feature in the started tasks (and just purges the started task).
- an unexpected abend happens in the ChangeMan ZMF started task, so that orderly shutdown is simply not possible.
Here is a good example of such orderly shutdown (even though a grace period of at least 1 instead of zero seems more appropriate):
04:00:04.16 SER0850I Operator command: SHUT,0 04:00:04.17 SER0982I STOP command Issued 04:00:04.18 SER0944I Serena/Network orderly SHUTDOWN initiated ... 04:00:04.18 CMNP455I CMNDB2CA DB2 CAF Disconnect 04:00:04.25 CMNP800I CMNSTART Closed VSAM file CMN.ABM.P.PMAST 04:00:04.32 CMNP800I CMNSTART Closed VSAM file CMN.ABM.P.CMPNT 04:00:04.37 CMNP800I CMNSTART Closed VSAM file CMN.ABM.P.LOG 04:00:04.42 CMNP800I CMNSTART Closed VSAM file CMN.ABM.P.RECV 04:00:04.42 CMNP810I CMNSTART Change Man VSAM Files closed
In those situations where such orderly shutdown did not happen, prior to starting the ChangeMan ZMF started task again, you should ensure that the ChangeMan ZMF VSAMs (CMNPMAST, CMNCMPNT, CMNDELAY, CMNLOG, CMNRECV) were correctly closed.
Consider the approach to address this issue as documented in the Z-Clues (login required).