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Create memberlists to improve Xnode processing

The ChangeMan ZMF Xnode DSNs are the jobs that are created by ChangeMan ZMF, typically during freeze and/or final approve, to perform all life cycle steps starting from distribute, install, etc. For each package, one such DSNs gets created for each remote site in which the package is to be installed.

The process to create the members (jobs) in the Xnode DSNs is based (heavily) on ISPF's file tailoring services (FTINCL for short). These services allow you to easily customize the content of all those Xnode jobs using straight forward ISPF skeleton customizations. You can even create your own Xnode members!



Facilities to reduce CMN/ZMF's resource consumption and enhance its overall performance

Dr Chgman's Tuneups for ChangeMan ZMFREAD MORE

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